A South Sudanese Woman from Kalobeyei settlement area allegedly stabbed her husband multiple times to death with a kitchen knife. The woman and the husband recently moved to Kalobeyei Settlement area from Kalobeyei due to the harsh conditions associated with Kakuma Refugee camp.
According to the relatives and the neighbours, they said that the husband of the woman is working as a gardener in Kakuma. His work is mainly to maintain the UNHCR compound clean and clear any litter or grass that might be growing in the UNHCR compound.
It was not immediately established the reasons why the woman opted to stab the husband multiple times to death.
But after further investigation, the Niece of the deceased man who goes by nickname Disco said that the two quarrel over food. The deceased was complaining that the food given to him was too little and he wanted the wife to add him more food.
The niece who was the eye witness further said that the quarrel resulted in the woman going inside the house and she out with the knife and stabbed the deceased husband multiple times to death.
When the woman was asked about her side of the story she said that she did stab the husband because she believed that the deceased husband was having an affair in Kakuma Refugee Camp. The husband sometimes stays in Kakuma Refugee Camp for weeks without caring or coming to visit her.
The Kenyan police have taken matters into their own hands now and the kitchen knife the woman used to stab the husband will be taken to Lodwar for fingerprint verifications. The fingerprint from a crime scene can be used for forensics.
Human fingerprints are detailed to every individual. Each individual has a different fingerprint and nearly unique and difficult to alter making them suitable for markers of human identity.
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