President Kiir Considers Egypt’s Bid for AU Deputy Chairperson Position

This meeting underscores the strengthening diplomatic ties between South Sudan and Egypt, as well as their shared commitment to advancing the African Union's objectives.  President Salva Kiir's reception of Dr. Hanan Morsy's candidacy highlights South Sudan's active role in regional affairs and its support for inclusive leadership within the AU Commission. Dr. Morsy's focus on diversity, inclusivity, and global outreach aligns with the AU's vision for transformative leadership, making her candidacy significant as member states prepare for the upcoming elections in February.  The exchange of goodwill messages between President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and President Kiir further cements the growing cooperation between the two nations.

SPLM/IO Namurnyang Governor Abducted In Kakuma Refugee Camp

Press Release


Late evening of 29/12/2017, the Kenyan Security kidnaped and abducted SPLM/A IO Governor for Kapoeta State; Marko Lokidor Lochapio from Kakuma Refugee camp under the watchful eyes of the UNHCR. Governor Lokidor was driven to Lokichogio that same night and yesterday 30/12/2017 in the morning hours, he was taken to Nadapal where he was handed over to South Sudan security personnel.

This plan was orchestrated by the Governor of Namurunyang State; Luis Lobong Lojore as he wants to eliminate any possible competition. This is not the first time Lobong Lojore orchestrated and funded abduction of SPLM/A IO officials. In August/2015 Lobong used the Juba Military Intelligence Unit headed by now  Cap. Joseph Ochora in collaboration with some Ugandan security personnel to abduct six (6) SPLA IO officials from Moroto and were taken to Juba. They were tortured and five were killed and drowned into the Nile; however, by God’s grace, one survived to tell the story.

The abduction of Governor Lokidor is now the fourth that the Kenyan government has done following the abduction of Spokesperson Cde James Gatdet, Agrey Idri and Dong Luak. This clearly shows how Kenyan government has taken side actively in this senseless war. This abduction is a  serious violation of the signed CoH by the government of Juba and its partner in crime the Kenyan government.
Secondly, the UNHCR in Kakuma needs to explain to the world how a person seeking asylum and in a protected camp be abducted from their (UNHCR) area of control?

The SPLM/A IO leadership demands the immediate release of Governor Lokidor and those responsible for his abduction be held responsible by TROIKA and the UN as IGAD has already shown partiality in this peace process. The resistance continues.

Col. Lam Paul Gabriel
SPLA IO Deputy Military Spokesperson


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