President Kiir Considers Egypt’s Bid for AU Deputy Chairperson Position

This meeting underscores the strengthening diplomatic ties between South Sudan and Egypt, as well as their shared commitment to advancing the African Union's objectives.  President Salva Kiir's reception of Dr. Hanan Morsy's candidacy highlights South Sudan's active role in regional affairs and its support for inclusive leadership within the AU Commission. Dr. Morsy's focus on diversity, inclusivity, and global outreach aligns with the AU's vision for transformative leadership, making her candidacy significant as member states prepare for the upcoming elections in February.  The exchange of goodwill messages between President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and President Kiir further cements the growing cooperation between the two nations.

SPLM-IO Press Release

Press Release


SPLA IO Released 15 POWs in Phow State.

The SPLA IO 7th Division infantry combined with SPLA IO GQHS mobile force handed over 15 prisoners of war (POWS) to ICRC today 28/1/2018, at  about 10:00am in Kolopach airstrip, New Fangak, Phow State. 11 POWs refused to go to Juba due to fear of persecution from the regime. The SPLA IO welcomes their decision and gave them the freedom to live among the displaced people in the State. This is the third time the SPLA IO is showing compliance with the COH agreement signed on 21/01/2017 while other partners have not yet complied.

The Leadership of the SPLM/A IO appreciates the field commanders and the State leadership for keeping these POWs safe and helping them get reunited with their families wherever they maybe.

The SPLA IO calls upon IGAD and TROIKA to also comply with this article in the CoH by releasing Dr. Riek Machar who has been since detained in South Africa as a result of this conflict. This will prove commitment and seriousness from the side of the IGAD and TROIKA in trying to bring lasting peace in South Sudan. The resistance continues.

Col. Lam Paul Gabriel

SPLA IO Deputy Military Spokesperson


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