President Kiir Considers Egypt’s Bid for AU Deputy Chairperson Position

This meeting underscores the strengthening diplomatic ties between South Sudan and Egypt, as well as their shared commitment to advancing the African Union's objectives.  President Salva Kiir's reception of Dr. Hanan Morsy's candidacy highlights South Sudan's active role in regional affairs and its support for inclusive leadership within the AU Commission. Dr. Morsy's focus on diversity, inclusivity, and global outreach aligns with the AU's vision for transformative leadership, making her candidacy significant as member states prepare for the upcoming elections in February.  The exchange of goodwill messages between President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and President Kiir further cements the growing cooperation between the two nations.

South Sudan Government Paid American Lobby Firm USD 3.7 Million To Block Hybrid Court

South Sudan Government has signed a two year contract with an American lobby firm called “The Gainful Solutions” to:

(1) Open communication channels between President Kiir and President Trump with an aim of persuading Trump and his government to expand economic and political relations and support USA’s private sector investment in oil, mining etc in South Sudan.

(2) Improve USA — South Sudan bilateral relationship.

(3) Persuade Trump administration to lift sanctions and block any other pending sanctions.

(4) Delay and ultimately block Hybrid Court envisaged in the peace agreement.

(5) Mobilise USA companies to invest in South Sudan.

(6) Persuade Trump administration to open military relation with South Sudan to fight terrorism and enhance regional stability.

The contract is worth $3.7 million US dollars. The firm is headed by a former US Ambassador Michael Ranneberger and businessman Soheil Nazari-Kangarlou both who signed the agreement.

The contract on behalf of the government was signed by Ambassador Gordon Buay Moses Malek and Paulino Diing Madol from the office of the President.

More to follow shortly....


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