President Kiir Considers Egypt’s Bid for AU Deputy Chairperson Position

This meeting underscores the strengthening diplomatic ties between South Sudan and Egypt, as well as their shared commitment to advancing the African Union's objectives.  President Salva Kiir's reception of Dr. Hanan Morsy's candidacy highlights South Sudan's active role in regional affairs and its support for inclusive leadership within the AU Commission. Dr. Morsy's focus on diversity, inclusivity, and global outreach aligns with the AU's vision for transformative leadership, making her candidacy significant as member states prepare for the upcoming elections in February.  The exchange of goodwill messages between President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and President Kiir further cements the growing cooperation between the two nations.

SPLM/SPLA (IO) Press Release

Response to IGAD Special Envoy – Ismail Wais

Jan 19th, 2018

In reference to the above, the SPLM/SPLA (IO) would like to state categorically to the IGAD special envoy, Ismail Wais, that our position regarding the conflict of interest faced by IGAD, has not changed. In light of this conflict of interest, the SPLM/SPLA-IO declines to withdraw any statement. The  threatening tone of the IGAD special envoy is quite unfortunate and can only serve to convince the people of South Sudan that the mediation is biased. The First Vice President of the Juba Regime, Taban Deng Gai, has written to the CTSAMM regarding his movement with heavily armed troops, which is a violation of the CoH Agreement, Taban deceived CTSAMM (IGAD) that he is going to Bieh state for traditional rituals and IGAD (CTSAMM) are aware that Taban does not have any constituency in Jonglei. A member of the CTSAMM, who informed the SPLM/SPLA (IO) Leadership on condition of anonymity, stated that: “they could do nothing to prevent the FVP from travelling to Jonglei”. The Special Envoy should tell us whether the CTSAMM is reporting to President Salva Kiir’s regime or to IGAD?

It is unfortunate that the IGAD Special Envoy is being defensive and dealing with peripheral issues which will not move the peace process forward. The reality on the ground is that, in Wau, government forces under the command of Brig. Sebit Arkangelo Yaba and Lt. Col. Belo Daniel Yala, on 29/12/2017, went to UNMISS (POC) and recruited 24 IDPs and took them to Mapel - SPLA  Military Training Centre, where they are currently under going training against their will. The state governor Mr. Angelo Taban himself and other government officials were involved in these operations, as well as the CTSAMM in Wau, of which some members are on Juba’s payroll. The CTSAMM include a General of the SPLM (IO) Crown Hotel Faction, Col. Charles U. Muong Utuol, who is the Security  of CTSAMM in Wau, yet the SPLM (IO) Crown Hotel Faction, has no forces in the area. The CTSAMM in Wau are aware of the move and we call on IGAD to investigate these allegations.

In addition, the SPLM/SPLA (IO) continues to maintains the position that, as long as President Salva Kiir, who is party to the conflict, is also mediator in the IGAD process, the IGAD Peace Process lacks credibility . This state of affairs, is what has resulted in the illegal detention of the Chairman and Commander in Chief in South Africa, at the behest of IGAD Regional Body and the isolation of the SPLM/SPLA (IO) Leadership in the region. This isolation has also resulted in the illegal deportation of our leaders, the latest abduction being that of the Governor of Kapoeta State, Hon. Marco Lokidor, on December 29,  2017, Eight days after the signing of the Agreement on Cessation of Hostilities and Humanitarian Matters on South Sudan. The intimidation tactics being employed by the IGAD Special envoy further goes to show this bias.

The SPLM/SPLA (IO) has demonstrated our commitment to peace by attending the High Level Revitalizing Forum (HLRF), despite the flawed formula for negotiations. This, however, does not mean that the SPLM/SPLA (IO) will be coerced into signing a bad peace. The SPLM/SPLA (IO) is, however, fully committed to the full implementation of a negotiated settlement; implemented in good faith. The SPLM/SPLA (IO) believes there is no military solution to the conflict and warns those engaged in futile military adventurism, to abandon this path.

The SPLM/SPLA  (IO) would like to take this opportunity to assert our natural right of self-defense in the face of the regime's intransigence and belligerence throughout the peace process, even after unilaterally declaring a ceasefire and after failing to reciprocate the orders issued by the Commander in Chief of the SPLA (IO), H.E. Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurngon. The Movement also takes this opportunity to appeal to members of the Movement and  the South Sudanese public at large, to be vigilant against vested interests and own the process of restoring peace to our country.



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